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Our Story

Overlander Tamás Cser had the concept when he ran across organisational issues with his Defender while travelling. For him, what was needed was a convenient and safe method of organisation that makes use of underutilised space within the car rather than having to be packed into the trunk, which is where the valuable space is.

In 2021, CserAdventures was founded in this manner. It uses parts of the car's storage that haven't been given much thought up until now, like the top, headrest, and backrest. Another unique aspect of the products is that Velcro is used to secure or open/close them instead of the more common fixing methods. This is a reasonably straightforward sort of solution, where many errors cannot slide, in addition to being an easy relocation. They never let you down and make trusted travel companions because they are unbreakable and scratch-resistant.
Tamás worked with the sewing ladies to make the items, which are the outcome of extensive planning and development. The items were refined through the production of multiple prototypes, which are now handmade by Hungarian seamstresses one at a time. To maintain the superior quality, all raw materials are sourced from Europe and are representative of the excellent Cordura material.

In addition, Tamás is developing additional products to increase the number of ways he can enhance the lives of travellers.